2025.03.18 09:40Nation

絶滅危惧、207種減 植物・菌類のレッドリスト―環境省


2025.03.18 09:40Nation

Endangered Species Down by 207 in Japan Red List for Plants, Fungi

Japan's Environment Ministry on Tuesday released an updated version of its red list for plants and fungi, which now includes a total of 2,063 endangered species, down by 207 from the previous version.
   The decrease reflects the recovery of populations, with Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense, which grows on Rebun Island in the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, moved to the "near threatened" category.
   Newly listed endangered species include Baeospora myriadophylla, which is seen in the Kanto eastern region.
   Meanwhile, 57 species were recognized as "extinct," including Lepicolea yakusimensis.
   The ministry updates the red list about every five years. It will release updates to the lists for mammals and birds in fiscal 2025-2026.


