スタジオジブリに名誉パルムドール授与 カンヌ国際映画祭

宮崎駿監督(83)らが40年前に共同設立したスタジオジブリは、『千と千尋の神隠し(Spirited Away)』が日本のアニメーション映画として初めて米アカデミー賞の長編アニメーション映画賞を受賞。同作や『となりのトトロ(My Neighbour Totoro)』『ハウルの動く城(Howl's Moving Castle)』など数々のアニメ映画で世界的人気を博してきた。
式典では、駿監督が手掛けた短編アニメ4本「めいとこねこバス(Mei and the Baby Cat Bus)」「やどさがし(House Hunting)」「パン種とタマゴ姫(Mr. Dough and the Egg Princess)」「毛虫のボロ(Boro the Caterpillar)」が上映され、会場に温かい笑い声が広がった。
駿監督の『君たちはどう生きるか(The Boy and the Heron)』は、今年のアカデミー賞で長編アニメーション賞を受賞した。
Japan's Studio Ghibli receives honorary Palme d'Or in Cannes

Legendary Japanese animators Studio Ghibli on Monday became the first collective to receive an honorary Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.
The Oscar-winning studio, founded 40 years ago, is beloved worldwide for masterpieces like My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle.
Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki, 83, did not attend the French festival, but his son Goro Miyazaki received the award, which is typically bestowed on individuals.
I would like to thank all the fans worldwide, he said on stage after receiving the honour, before attendees were treated to four short films from the wildly imaginative collective.
Among them was 2002's Mei and the Baby Cat Bus, billed as a mini-sequel to Hayao Miyazaki's 1989 classic My Neighbor Totoro.
In Mr. Dough and the Egg Princess, a giant gloop of dough helps a tiny egg in a pink dress escape a ravenous witch.
House Hunting and Boro the Caterpillar -- the second starring a tiny grub munching on leaves -- featured amusing human voiceovers for everything from a friendly river monster to squeaky bicycles.
All were welcomed with good-natured laughter.
Today you have given the Studio Ghibli encouragement for the next 40 years, Goro Miyazaki said after the screening.
Hayao Miyazaki has announced his retirement more than once, but he continues to work and was back in cinemas last year with The Boy and the Heron.
He appeared on the big screen in a video to say: Thank you very much.
The Boy and the Heron won an Oscar this year and Goro Miyazaki said the studio had to wrap the statuette in a hotel towel to fly it home safely from the United States.
He said he was really glad the honorary Palme had a box.
Meryl Streep received an honorary Palme at the festival's opening and George Lucas, creator of Star Wars, is to receive the accolade at the closing ceremony on Saturday.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット