2023.01.17 17:55World eye

頭と側部に黄と金の模様 アンデス山脈で新種トカゲ

【リマAFP=時事】ペルー南東部クスコのオティシ国立公園で、新種のトカゲが発見された。公園当局が16日、発表した。(写真はペルー・クスコのオティシ国立公園内で撮影された新種のトカゲ「Proctoporus titans」。ペルー国立自然保護区管理事務局提供)
 「Proctoporus titans」と名付けられた新種のトカゲは、アンデス山脈の標高3241メートル地点で見つかった。
2023.01.17 17:55World eye

New species of lizard discovered in Peru national park

Scientists have discovered a new species of lizard in a protected natural area in Cusco, southeastern Peru, national park officials said Monday.
Otishi National Park reveals a new species of lizard to science, the National Service of State-Protected Natural Areas said in a statement.
The new species, named Proctoporus titans, was found high in the Andes mountains at an altitude of 3,241 meters (10,600 feet).
The lizard is dark gray with yellow and gold flecks on its sides and head. It has a tail that is longer than its body, and grooved dorsal scales and prefrontal scales.
The Otishi National Park is a protected area in the Cusco and Junin region, covering almost 306,000 hectares (756,000 acres) of mountainous forests.


