2021.01.14 18:15Nation

コロナ「感染爆発の兆候」 医療逼迫、自宅療養者死亡も―都専門家会議


2021.01.14 18:15Nation

Signs of Explosive Coronavirus Spread Seen in Tokyo

The rising numbers of new coronavirus cases and those with unclear infection routes in Tokyo may be indicating a possible explosive spread of infections in the Japanese capital, an expert said at a metropolitan government meeting on Thursday.
   The daily number of new coronavirus infections averaged 1,698.9 in the week through Wednesday, up from 1,029.3 in the preceding week.
   Reported at the meeting were many cases in which people in their 20s and 30s contracted the coronavirus at dinner meetings and other occasions, as well as cases of infections at family gatherings and year-end parties held by university students.
   In Tokyo, the surging number of new infections and shortages of hospital beds are making it difficult to hospitalize coronavirus patients. Earlier this month, three infected people including a man in his 80s with pre-existing conditions died at their homes.
   As of Wednesday, the number of hospitalized coronavirus patients in the capital stood at 3,266, against 4,000 hospital beds secured for coronavirus patients.


