2025.01.22 16:00Nation

労使、賃上げ定着で一致 中小への波及焦点―25年春闘、事実上スタート


2025.01.22 16:00Nation

"Shunto" Spring Wage Talks Kick Off in Japan

The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, and the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, or Rengo, held a meeting of their leaders Wednesday, effectively starting this year's "shunto" spring wage talks.
   The focus of this year's labor-management negotiations is whether the momentum for wage increase will be maintained for stable structural growth after the labor side won the largest pay hike in 33 years in last year's shunto.
   Rengo, the country's biggest labor group representing unions across the country, plans to demand that workers' pay be boosted by at least 5 pct in general through pay scale hikes and regular raises.
   Keidanren, the country's largest business group, has shown understanding of Rengo's plan, describing it as "consistent with the direction of Keidanren" in its guidelines for member companies. It also encouraged its member companies to choose pay scale hikes.
   Meanwhile, Keidanren has criticized Rengo's demand of a pay increase of 6 pct or more for small and midsize businesses, or at least 18,000 yen in terms of monthly pay.


