2019.09.18 19:00Nation



2019.09.18 19:00Nation

Japan Govt Corrects Number of Centenarians

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare corrected on Wednesday the number of centenarians in the country to 71,274.
   On Friday, the ministry said the number of people aged 100 or over was expected to total 71,238 as of Sunday.
   The correction came after the government of Shimane Prefecture, western Japan, revised up the number of centenarians there to 715 from 679. The revision was because the city of Hamada in Shimane had reported the number of people aged 100, not those aged 100 or over.
   After the correction, the number of centenarians per 100,000 people nationwide stood at 56.37, up slightly from 56.34. Shimane logged the highest centenarian rate among the country's 47 prefectures for seven years in a row, at 105.15. Before the correction, Shimane ranked third, at 99.85.
   The western prefecture of Kochi and the southwestern prefecture of Kagoshima slipped to second from top and to third from second, respectively, due to the correction.


