2022.09.09 12:14Nation

3人の遺体引き渡し 海保巡視船、サハリンで―知床沈没事故

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)の巡視船「つがる」が9日、ロシア・サハリンのコルサコフ港に入り、北方領土・国後島などで見つかった乗船者とみられる3人の遺体を引き取った。10日朝に小樽港に戻る予定。

2022.09.09 12:14Nation

3 Bodies of Apparent Boat Sinking Victims Handed Over to Japan

The three bodies of apparent victims of the sinking of a Japanese tour boat in April were handed over to the Japanese side from Russia on Friday.
   The patrol ship Tsugaru of the Japan Coast Guard's 1st Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, which mainly covers the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido, arrived at a port in Korsakov in Sakhalin in the Russian Far East around 7:30 a.m. on the day.
   After its crew members picked up the bodies, the Tsugaru left the port around 10:15 a.m. The vessel is expected to return the port of Otaru in Hokkaido on Saturday morning, according to the regional headquarters.
   The bodies of a man and a woman were discovered on Kunashiri, one of the four Russian-controlled northwestern Pacific islands claimed by Japan, in May, and the body of a man was found in Sakhalin in June.
   A Russian analysis has found that the DNA types of the three bodies matched those of people who were aboard the Kazu I sightseeing boat, which sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido on April 23, according to sources in the JCG.


