2021.09.27 22:28Nation

宣言解除で酒提供再開へ 緩和策「丸投げ」を警戒―各自治体


2021.09.27 22:28Nation

Japan Prefectures Mulling Easing Restrictions on Restaurants

Japanese prefectures under the COVID-19 state of emergency are considering gradually easing restrictions on serving alcohol at restaurants and other measures, as the central government plans to fully end the emergency Thursday.
   Osaka Prefecture in western Japan plans to allow certified restaurants and bars with required infection prevention measures to serve alcoholic drinks until 8:30 p.m. It also plans to allow such establishments to operate until 9 p.m., an hour later than the currently requested closing time.
   "Thanks to the cooperation of prefectural residents and businesses, infection figures are on a downward trend," Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura said Monday. "We want to gradually lift (restrictions)."
   Meanwhile, Tokyo and other prefectures are demanding that specific measures be included in the central government's basic coronavirus response policy, fearing that local governments may be burdened with deciding every detail of how the coronavirus restrictions should be eased.
   Tokyo and the neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa agreed to the lifting of the state of emergency, which covers 19 prefectures in total, and to gradually relaxing restrictions on serving alcohol and on operating hours for restaurants and bars.


