2021.06.11 19:21Nation

海外関係者の陽性、1日7.7人と試算 五輪時、入院は11.7人―大会組織委


2021.06.11 19:21Nation

7.7 Daily Infections to Be Seen among Foreign Participants: Tokyo Games Committee

During the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, 7.7 foreign participants are expected to test positive for the novel coronavirus each day, the Tokyo Games organizing committee said Friday.
   The estimate assumes that 77,000 athletes and staff members will come to Japan for the games, the committee reported at a meeting with pandemic measure experts.
   Based on the infection situation during advance test sports events in the country, the committee also predicted that up to 11.7 foreign participants in the games will be hospitalized and 57.6 such people will be isolated for treatment without hospitalization.
   But at the same time, the committee pointed out that the actual figures may be much lower because the estimates excluded vaccinations from factors to be taken into account.
   Meanwhile, the committee revealed that slightly less than 5 million Tokyo Games tickets, or some 42 pct of all tickets available, have been sold.


