コロナ急拡大、影響注視 回復ペース「緩やか」―黒田日銀総裁
物価については、コロナ禍に加え、これまでの原油安や政府の観光支援策「Go To キャンペーン」による宿泊料下落などの影響から「当面マイナスで推移する」と述べた。上昇率2%の物価目標達成に向け、企業金融支援策や上場投資信託(ETF)購入などを継続するとともに、「必要があれば、ちゅうちょなく追加的な金融緩和措置を講じる」と強調した。(2021/01/14-12:01)

BOJ to Keep Tabs on Economic Impact of Epidemic: Kuroda
Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda signaled Thursday the BOJ's intention to keep tabs on the impact of the spread of new coronavirus infections on the country's economy, including effects from the ongoing COVID-19 state of emergency.
At a quarterly meeting of the BOJ's branch managers, Kuroda said that the Japanese economy "is picking up though it remains in a severe situation."
The governor, however, said that "the pace of recovery is expected to remain moderate while vigilance against the virus crisis continues."
The Japanese government declared last week a second state of emergency in Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures and expanded the measure to cover seven additional prefectures from Thursday.
According to Kuroda, price drops in Japan are likely to continue for the time being, reflecting the fallout from the virus crisis, as well as sluggish crude oil prices and a fall in accommodation fees led by the central government's Go To Travel campaign to shore up tourism amid the coronavirus crisis.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット