2020.12.28 20:31Nation

高級宿、GoTo効果3倍 恩恵に偏り―民間調査

 「Go To トラベル」が高級ホテル・旅館にもたらした効果は、それ以外の宿泊施設の3倍超。コンサルティング会社のデロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリーは、政府のトラベル事業の検証結果をまとめた。これまでも高級施設に恩恵が偏っていると指摘されており、それが裏付けられた格好だ。

2020.12.28 20:31Nation

Luxury Hotels Benefit Far More from "Go To Travel": Survey

Benefits that high-end hotels have received from the Japanese government's Go To Travel campaign have been about three times more than those for non-luxury lodging facilities, according to a private-sector survey.
   The survey by Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC supported the view that the campaign, which gives discounts equivalent to 35 pct of the travel costs, has disproportionally benefitted luxury hotels.
   Data from the Japan Tourism Agency show that in the 41 days from the July 22 start of the campaign to Aug. 31, only 5 pct of all the Go To Travel users stayed at luxury hotel rooms, priced at 30,000 yen or more per night per person. Citing the result, the government rejected the claims that the campaign has excessively benefitted luxury accommodation facilities.
   But a different picture was revealed by the Deloitte Tohmatsu survey, which focused on occupancy rate, or the share of booked rooms out of all rooms.
   There are some 19,800 hotel rooms priced at or over 30,000 yen in Japan, and such rooms were used about 377,000 times under the campaign, according to the survey. With a total of some 810,000 such rooms offered during the 41-day period, the result means that 46 pct of all the available rooms were booked by Go To Travel users. The figure compared with the level of less than 15 pct for cheaper hotels, according to the survey.


