2020.12.15 20:31Nation

コロナで膨張、今年度歳出175兆円 GoTo延長に1兆円―3次補正を閣議決定

 需要喚起策「Go To」キャンペーンでは、全国一斉の一時停止を決めた観光支援の「トラベル」延長に1兆311億円を、飲食店支援の「イート」延長には515億円をそれぞれ計上した。

2020.12.15 20:31Nation

Japan Cabinet OKs 3rd Extra Budget Bill

Japan's cabinet approved a third supplementary budget bill for fiscal 2020 at an extraordinary meeting Tuesday, for additional spending to curb coronavirus infections and facilitate economic reforms amid the epidemic.
   The government will submit the budget bill at the start of an ordinary session of the Diet, the country's parliament, early next year, aiming for its early enactment.
   With the additional general-account spending of 21,835.3 billion yen through the third extra budget, the government's expenditures for fiscal 2020 will total 175,687.8 billion yen, up about 73 trillion yen from 102,658 billion yen in the initial-budget stage.
   The additional spending includes 4,358.1 billion yen on infection prevention measures, 11,676.6 billion yen on economic reforms and 3,141.4 billion yen on disaster prevention and reduction measures.
   For the additional spending, the government plans to issue new government bonds of 22,395 billion yen, as its tax revenue for fiscal 2020 is now estimated 8,388 billion yen lower than initially anticipated due to worsened business results amid the epidemic.


