2022.08.31 19:48Nation

概算要求110兆円超 防衛・社会保障費膨らむ―歳出総額は最大へ、来年度予算


2022.08.31 19:48Nation

Japan FY 2023 Budget Requests Total 110 T. Yen

General-account budget requests by Japanese government departments for fiscal 2023 are believed to have totaled some 110 trillion yen Wednesday, the deadline for submitting the requests.
   The figure is the second highest ever, after the record high of 111,655.9 billion yen requested for fiscal 2022, which started in April.
   The total for fiscal 2023 was boosted by a record budget request from the Defense Ministry, higher debt-servicing costs due to massive spending on coronavirus measures and a natural increase in social security costs stemming from Japan's aging population.
   Government departments also sought funds without saying how much for many items in the defense area and measures to tackle soaring prices.
   Against this background, total expenditures in the fiscal 2023 draft budget to be adopted by the government at year-end are highly likely to hit a record high for the 11th straight year.


