5月の実質賃金、1.8%減 物価高で2カ月連続マイナス

Japan Real Wages Down 1.8 Pct in May
Japan's inflation-adjusted real wage index in May fell 1.8 pct from a year before, down for the second consecutive month, the labor ministry said in a preliminary report Tuesday.
The drop, which was the largest since a decrease of the same size marked in July 2020 amid stalled economic activities due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, came as the pace of inflation exceeded that of nominal wage growth.
The consumer price index excluding imputed rent, used to calculate the real wage index, climbed 2.9 pct in the reporting month, reflecting higher energy and food prices.
Total nominal wages per worker increased 1.0 pct to 277,016 yen on average. Regular pay, including basic salaries, rose 1.2 pct and overtime and other nonregular pay grew 5.5 pct, while bonuses and other special pay fell 7.0 pct.
The total average pay rose 1.2 pct to 357,047 yen for full-time workers and went up 1.9 pct to 97,600 yen for part-timers.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット