2022.06.27 13:32Nation

ロシア産石油価格に上限設定へ G7、大筋合意の見通し


2022.06.27 13:32Nation

G-7 Leaders Likely to Broadly Agree on Capping Russian Oil Prices

Leaders from the Group of Seven major countries are expected to reach a broad agreement on setting a ceiling on Russian oil prices, at their ongoing meeting in Schloss Elmau, southern Germany, it was learned Sunday.
   The plan would allow countries that import Russian oil to provide transport ships with insurance coverage only if they agree to set such a ceiling, according to a senior European Union official.
   Although details still need to be worked out, the G-7 nations are likely to reach a broad pact at the three-day summit, which started the same day, the official said.
   If the plan is realized, it would deal another blow to oil revenues of Russia, which continues to invade Ukraine, pundits said.
   At their online meeting in May, the leaders of the G-7, which groups Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union, agreed to ban imports of Russian oil in stages.


