全市民個人情報入りUSB見つかる 情報漏れ確認されず―兵庫県尼崎市
Lost USB Sticks with Data on Amagasaki City Residents Found
Two USB memory sticks containing personal information on all residents of Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, western Japan, have been found, the city government said Friday.
On Thursday, the city said that an employee related to a company commissioned to do work related to household and other benefits had lost the USB sticks, containing basic resident register information on some 460,000 residents, such as their names, addresses and birthdays.
On Tuesday, the employee in question moved the data to the USB sticks in Amagasaki and then conducted work in Suita in neighboring Osaka Prefecture.
The employee later dined at a bar in Suita, woke up on a street in the small hours of Wednesday and noticed the loss of a bag containing the USB sticks.
Suita police officers and the employee found the bag containing the USB sticks outside an apartment building in the city, according to Osaka prefectural police.