2022.06.01 17:07Nation

岸田首相、物価高対策の効果強調 経済政策「アベノミクスと異なる」―衆院予算委


2022.06.01 17:07Nation

Kishida Says Efforts to Contain Prices Are Effective

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Wednesday said his government's efforts to contain prices are proving effective.
   "Inflation has reached 7-8 pct in the United States and Europe, but remains around 2 pct in Japan," Kishida told a session of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament.
   "Our measures are, without a doubt, effective," he said.
   Kishida said that his economic policy presents a model different to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Abenomics, while maintaining its macroeconomic measures.
   The prime minister said his wealth redistribution policy focuses on increasing investments and wages.


