観光船不明乗客の可能性 国後島海岸に女性遺体―政府、ロシアに情報提供要請
北方領土・国後島の海岸で今月、女性の遺体が発見されたことが13日、分かった。第1管区海上保安本部(北海道小樽市)などが明らかにした。観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」の沈没事故で行方不明となっている乗客の可能性があり、政府は外交ルートを通じてロシア側に情報提供を求めるなど事実確認を急いでいる。
Body Possibly of Boat Accident Victim Found on Kunashiri Island
A woman's body found on the coast of Kunashiri Island may be that of a missing victim of a tour boat accident that occurred last month off Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, informed sources said Friday.
The body was discovered on May 6, according to the sources. It appears to have drifted down to the west coast of Kunashiri Island, one of the four Russian-held islands at the center of a territorial dispute between Japan and Russia.
The Japanese government is asking the Russian side for information through diplomatic channels, as the body could belong to one of the 12 people who remain missing after the accident.
The Kazu I tour boat sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido on April 23. Fourteen of the 26 on board have been found and confirmed dead, four of whom were discovered in waters between the peninsula and Kunashiri Island.
As nobody had been reported missing on Kunashiri Island, the Russian side informed the Japanese side of the body on Tuesday.