大阪でスマートタウン公開 国内初「再エネ100%」―パナソニック
パナソニックホールディングスの子会社は8日、関西電力などと大阪府吹田市に開発した健康や環境の先進都市「Suita サスティナブル・スマートタウン(SST)」を報道陣に公開した。国内で初めて、街全体の消費電力を実質的に全て再生可能エネルギーでまかなうという。既に入居が始まっており、29日に街開きする。

Panasonic to Open "Smart Town" Soon
Major Japanese electronics group Panasonic Holdings Corp. is set to fully open Suita Sustainable Smart Town in the city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, on April 29.
All of the electricity consumed in Suita SST will be effectively produced using renewable energy sources, the first such feature in Japan, according to the company. Members of the media were allowed to view the smart town on Friday.
Suita SST was developed jointly with firms including Kansai Electric Power Co. .
"The important thing is for Suita SST to continue developing to help boost the value of the area," Panasonic Holdings Group CEO Yuki Kusumi told a press conference on Friday.
The smart town, constructed on a 2.3-hectare site, has a total of 362 housing units, including those for families, elderly people and people needing home-care services, to allow residents of many generations to live a comfortable life, the company said. It also has a group home for people with dementia and child care facilities, and offers a bicycle-sharing service. Residents have already started to live in the town.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット