2022.01.14 21:58Nation

濃厚接触者待機、10日に短縮 エッセンシャルワーカーは6日―厚労省


2022.01.14 21:58Nation

Japan to Shorten Quarantine for Close Contacts to 10 Days

The Japanese government will shorten the quarantine period for those who had close contact with people infected with the novel coronavirus to 10 days from 14 at present, health minister Shigeyuki Goto said Friday.
   For essential workers, municipalities will be allowed to decide at their own discretion to end quarantine for those who test negative for the virus on the sixth day from their contact with infected people.
   Currently, close contacts are asked to stay at accommodation facilities or their homes for 14 days and face work restrictions.
   The change comes amid concerns that an increase in close contacts among essential workers in sectors such as medical, elderly care and retail will make it difficult to maintain societal functions following a surge in cases of the omicron coronavirus variant.
   Medical personnel are allowed to work during the quarantine period if they show no COVID-19 symptoms and test negative for the virus before work.


