2022.01.13 21:19Nation

ワクチン、一般高齢者は6カ月間隔に 3回目接種、64歳以下は7カ月―政府


2022.01.13 21:19Nation

Japan to Shorten Booster Shot Interval for Elderly People

The Japanese government will shorten the interval between second and third COVID-19 vaccine shots for the general elderly population to six months from seven months, starting in March, officials said Thursday.
   Subject to the shortened gap are some 17 million aged people who are not at care facilities and elsewhere.
   The government will also cut the interval to seven months from eight months for some 55 million people aged 64 or under.
   The decision comes as Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and other officials found the need to give people booster shots at an accelerated pace as the omicron variant is spreading rapidly across the country.


