たどり着いた「裸の感覚」 新ウエア、研究重ね大舞台に〔五輪・クライミング〕
東京五輪の新競技の一つ、スポーツクライミング。4カ国の代表ユニホームを製作したアパレルメーカー「ゴールドウイン」(東京)が目指したのは、着用時の「裸の感覚」だ。デザインと機能性の両立を追求したウエアは5日の決勝に登場する日本の楢崎智亜選手(25)=TEAM au=らの活躍を支えている。

Sense of Being Naked Pursued by Sports Climbing Wear Developer
The goal pursued by Goldwin Inc. in developing new competition wear for sports climbing, one of the new Olympic sports debuting in Tokyo, was to achieve "a sense of being naked."
The Tokyo-based sportswear maker offered the new wear, which the company describes as being excellent in both design and functionality, to a total of 12 sports climbers representing Japan, the United States, South Korea and Austria in the Tokyo Olympics, including Tomoa Narasaki, 25, from Japan.
Commissioned by The North Face, a U.S. outdoor recreation products company, Goldwin launched the development of the new wear in April 2018.
Taishi Goto, 32, who led the development project, visited training camps and competitions to learn about the sport, realizing that sports climbers make diverse movements, such as bending the limbs or giving a stretch to the whole body.
There are no clear standards for what sports climbers wear during competitions. Goto set a goal of creating lightweight wear that does not obstruct the athletes' movements or views and feels almost like being naked.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット