2021.04.17 07:36Nation

政府、予算確保「ちゅうちょなく」 風評対策、産業振興に力―海洋放出で年内計画


2021.04.17 07:36Nation

Japan Focuses on Protecting Image of Fukushima Products

The Japanese government on Friday started in earnest work to map out measures to minimize reputational damage to fishery and other products from Fukushima Prefecture from the planned release of treated radioactive water kept at the disaster-crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station into the ocean.
   In the run-up to the planned start in two years of the Fukushima plant water release, the government is poised to step up efforts to support the northeastern prefecture's local industries and provide accurate information about the Fukushima plant water.
   Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato indicated the government's readiness on Friday to "launch countermeasures (against misinformation about the Fukushima plant water) with quick results and secure necessary funds without hesitation."
   On the day, the government held its first meeting of cabinet ministers to discuss measures to counter such reputational damage, as well as compensation policies for affected businesses.
   The ministerial forum plans to compile an interim report by tihs summer and draw up a medium- to long-term action program this year or later.


