2021.03.21 19:08Nation

1カ月以内再開目指す 半導体、車生産に影響―ルネサス工場火災


2021.03.21 19:08Nation

Renesas Aims to Resume Fire-Hit Chip Line within 1 Month

Renesas Technology Corp. is seeking to resume the operations of its fire-damaged cutting-edge semiconductor production line in eastern Japan within a month, its president, Hidetoshi Shibata, said Sunday.
   "We aim to restart production at the line within a month," he told an online press conference.
   Two-thirds of the chip products manufactured at the line, part of the company's factory in the city of Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Prefecture, are for automobiles. The halt of the line looks certain to affect production at automakers at a time when shortages of chip supplies are becoming serious around the world.
   According to Renesas, the fire burned 11 units of chipmaking equipment in the clean room, and the ceiling of the room was blackened with soot. The firm plans to first spend about a week figuring out the full extent of damage.
   Automakers and auto parts makers have offered to help Renesas restore the facility.


