2021.03.19 12:51Nation

菅首相、感染再拡大「何としても防ぐ」 政府内のLINE利用調査―参院予算委


2021.03.19 12:51Nation

Japan Reviewing Government Use of Line App: Suga

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Friday that the government is reviewing the use of popular messaging app Line within the government, following the revelation that a Chinese affiliate of app provider Line Corp. once had access to personal data of Line users in Japan.
   The prime minister vowed to make efforts to ensure information security within the government. He was responding to a question from a ruling party lawmaker at a House of Councillors Budget Committee meeting.
   At a press conference on the day, Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Ryota Takeda said the central government issued a notification to local governments on Wednesday, asking them to report on their use of the messaging app by March 26.
   Some local governments accept various application documents and release information through the app.
   Takeda said the ministry itself plans to suspend the use of the app for receiving public comments and answering queries.


