2021.02.02 21:25Nation

都知事「感染減、流れ継続を」 時短や外出自粛で―首都圏


2021.02.02 21:25Nation

Tokyo Area Govts to Maintain Hour-Shortening Requests

Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures plan to continue calling on eating and drinking establishments to shorten their operating hours in line with the central government's extension of the coronavirus state of emergency in the area and elsewhere.
   Tokyo and Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures also aim to urge people to avoid unnecessary travel to further prevent infections, officials said.
   "The number of severely ill patients is still at a high level," Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike told reporters on Tuesday. "We want to make requests again so that infection cases don't increase."
   Koike was slated to call for cooperation from Tokyo residents in a press conference later the same day.
   While the daily number of newly confirmed infection cases is on the decline in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the medical system in the region is still under strain.


