2022.11.05 11:42Nation

路上スモーカーに7割「不快」 受動喫煙対策、半数が強化求める


2022.11.05 11:42Nation

70 Pct in Japan Find Smoking on Street Unpleasant: Govt Poll

A Japanese government survey Friday showed that 83.3 pct of respondents find cigarette smoke unpleasant to some extent, with 70.2 pct of them unhappy with it on the street.
   According to the Cabinet Office poll, displeasure with cigarette smoke at eating establishments was cited by 50.9 pct and at drinking places by 39.9 pct.
   The survey was the first since a revision of the health promotion law to strengthen measures to prevent passive smoking was fully enforced in 2020.
   Asked how well they know the amendment, 72.5 pct said they are aware of a basic ban on smoking inside facilities many people visit, up 26.5 percentage points from the previous survey in 2019.
   A rule prohibiting hospitals, schools and administrative institutions from setting up indoor smoking rooms was known to 61.8 pct, while one exempting some small-sized eating and drinking places from the ban on indoor smoking was recognized by 51.5 pct.


