2022.10.13 21:08Nation

物価高対応「評価しない」64% 時事世論調査


2022.10.13 21:08Nation

64 Pct Unhappy with Govt Steps against Inflation: Jiji Poll

A Jiji Press survey showed Thursday that 64.8 pct of respondents are unsatisfied with measures taken by the Japanese government to tackle soaring prices.
   In the October survey, conducted for four days to Monday, 11.4 pct said they support the measures, while 23.8 pct answered neither or said they have no opinion.
   When the same question was asked in the August survey, 58.6 pct said they were unhappy with the measures, while 15.1 pct expressed support for the measures.
   In the October survey, respondents in favor of the government's measures against the novel coronavirus pandemic accounted for 38.1 pct of the total, up 2.3 percentage points from the previous month. The share of people who do not support the measures fell 3.2 points to 33.6 pct.
   The interview survey covered 2,000 people aged 18 or over across the country. Valid responses came from 63.3 pct.


