2022.09.16 10:29Nation

医療福祉人材、96万人不足 高齢化ピークの40年―厚労白書


2022.09.16 10:29Nation

Japan to Lack Nearly 1 M. Medical, Welfare Workers in 2040

Japan is seen facing a shortage of 960,000 medical and welfare service workers in 2040, when the country's elderly population is expected to peak, a welfare ministry annual report said Friday.
   While 10.7 million such workers are projected to be necessary in 2040, only 9.74 million will be available, according to the 2022 white paper on health, labor and welfare, reported at the day's cabinet meeting.
   The number of workers in the medical and welfare sectors has increased thanks to measures such as temporarily raising the enrollment limit at medical schools and nurturing nursing staff.
   In 2021, 8.91 million people, or about one in eight workers in Japan, were engaged in medical and welfare services.
   The average turnover rate among elderly care workers fell below the average of the whole medical and welfare sectors for the first time in 2019, reflecting improvements in work conditions for elderly care and nursery staff.


