2022.07.21 20:30Nation

原発再稼働、賛成48% コロナ行動制限「必要だ」上回る―時事世論調査


2022.07.21 20:30Nation

Nearly Half in Japan Support N-Reactor Restart: Jiji Poll

Nearly 50 pct of people in Japan support the restart of idled nuclear reactors in the country, a Jiji Press opinion poll showed Thursday.
   The survey, conducted for four days through Monday, found that 48.4 pct of respondents are in favor of resuming operations of nuclear reactors whose safety has been confirmed.
   The proportion of respondents who expressed opposition came to 27.9 pct, while 23.8 pct said they had no opinion or did not know.
   Nuclear power generation in the country was completely halted after the March 2011 triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan. Since then, only a fraction of the country's nuclear reactors have been brought back online.
   The survey also showed that 47.3 pct think it is necessary to implement COVID-19 restrictions, such as those under a state of emergency or pre-emergency, amid a recent rapid spread of coronavirus infections.


