2022.07.11 07:02Nation

景気・雇用対策がトップ 重視政策、生活関連に集中―出口調査【22参院選】


2022.07.11 07:02Nation

Voters Focus on Economy, Employment: Jiji Exit Poll

The largest group of voters put the top priority on economy and employment policies in Sunday's House of Councillors election in Japan, according to a Jiji Press exit poll.
   They accounted for 30.2 pct of the total, followed by 15.7 pct who focused on pension, elderly care and medical services and 11.1 pct who attached importance to measures to support child rearing and tackle the country's falling birthrate.
   The exit poll asked respondents to choose one out of the 12 fields they put the top priority on when deciding which party and candidate to vote for.
   How to deal with rising prices, a key issue in the election for the upper chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, was chosen by 7.4 pct of respondents.
   Foreign and security policies and novel coronavirus measures were cited by 5.8 pct and 3.5 pct, respectively.


