2022.06.17 20:54Business

国内新車、今秋3%値上げ 原材料高騰―マツダ・三菱自

 マツダは、小型車「マツダ3」とスポーツ用多目的車(SUV)「CX―30」について、販売価格を6万6000円引き上げる。値上げ幅は3%程度に相当する。三菱自動車は、プラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)「アウトランダー PHEV」を値上げする。最上位モデルで約3%の値上げ幅になる見通しだ。(2022/06/17-20:54)

2022.06.17 20:54Business

Mazda, Mitsubishi Motors to Raise New Auto Prices in Japan

Mazda Motor Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. are set to increase the prices of new automobiles by around 3 pct in Japan this autumn, reflecting surging costs for raw materials due to the yen's depreciation, it was learned Friday.
   It is unusual for Japanese automakers to increase prices without major alterations to cars, such as those to engines and exteriors.


