2022.06.12 17:22Nation

復興拠点の避難指示解除 帰還困難区域、初の居住再開―再建に課題も・福島県葛尾村


2022.06.12 17:22Nation

Japan Lifts Evacuation Order for Part of Fukushima District

Japan lifted an evacuation order Sunday morning for a part of a district in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, that had been in place since the March 2011 nuclear disaster.
   The area in the Noyuki district in the village of Katsurao, designated as a specified reconstruction and revitalization base, is expected to become the first area in the so-called difficult-to-return zone to host permanent residents again.
   The lifting of the evacuation order will allow residents to live in the area without notifying authorities.
   At 8 a.m. (11 p.m. Saturday GMT), roadblocks that had been set up at 36 locations in the district were removed and entry restrictions were lifted.
   However, challenges remain for the area's reconstruction. As over 11 years have passed since the nuclear disaster, most of the houses in the area have been dismantled and many residents have settled in other parts of the country where they had been evacuated.


