2022.05.23 17:13Nation

沈没観光船、つり上げ完了 24日にも海上に―知床事故、発生1カ月

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、海上保安庁と契約した専門業者は23日、海底にあった船体を海面近くまでつり上げ、作業台船に固定させた。斜里町沖までえい航し、早ければ24日にも海面上に引き揚げる見通し。

2022.05.23 17:13Nation

Work Starts to Salvage Sunken Boat off Hokkaido

Work started Monday to salvage the Kazu I tour boat, which sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, a month ago.
   A contractor commissioned by the Japan Coast Guard is expected to lift the boat close to the sea surface and tow it near a port in the Hokkaido city of Abashiri before raising it above the sea surface as early as Tuesday.
   The Kazu I sank off the town of Shari after disappearing on April 23. Fourteen of the 26 people on board have been discovered and confirmed dead, while 12 people remain missing.
   The JCG and others are continuing search activities around the peninsula including waters near Kunashiri, one of the four Russian-held northwestern Pacific islands claimed by Japan, but little progress has been made.
   The salvage operation, which involves the Kaishin multipurpose work vessel, was initially scheduled to begin on Sunday.


