2022.04.27 01:03Nation

不明15人の捜索続く 運航会社社長、27日会見―船体見つからず・北海道

 北海道・知床半島沖で観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」(乗客乗員26人)が遭難し、11人が死亡した事故で、海上保安庁などは26日、安否不明となっている15人の捜索を続けた。海保は潜水士を派遣するなどし、依然として見つかっていない船体の捜索も進めた。

2022.04.27 01:03Nation

Suspected Missing Tour Boat Found on Seabed off Hokkaido

The Japan Coast Guard received a report on Tuesday that an object suspected to be a missing sightseeing boat has been found on the seabed off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido.
   According to the JCG, a sonar detected the large object at a depth of about 30 meters off Kashuni Falls, southwest of Cape Shiretoko. Following the report by a fisherman cooperating with search efforts, the JCG dispatched divers to the site.
   The "Kazu I" tour boat disappeared off the peninsula on Saturday. Of the 26 people onboard the 19-ton vessel, 11 people, including a 3-year-old girl, have so far been confirmed dead. The 11 were drowned, JCG sources said.
   The JCG and others are accelerating efforts to find the remaining 15 people.
   The JCG has obtained consent from Russia about the possibility of expanding the search area to waters surrounding Russian-controlled islands, known in Japan as the Northern Territories. The waters are nearly 100 meters deep at the deepest point.


