脱炭素へ水素社会移行を 神戸で運搬船視察―岸田首相
岸田文雄首相は9日、神戸市の神戸液化水素荷役実証ターミナルを訪れ、世界初の液化水素運搬船「すいそ ふろんてぃあ」を視察した。この後、記者団に「脱炭素化には水素社会への移行、構築が大きな鍵になる」と指摘。「需給両面から導入、拡大を早期に促すための投資規模について大胆な支援策を講じたい」と語った。

Kishida Eager to Realize Hydrogen Society
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday stressed the importance of a shift to a hydrogen society in order to realize decarbonization.
On the day, Kishida visited a liquefied hydrogen receiving terminal in Kobe, the capital of the western Japan prefecture of Hyogo, and inspected the world's first liquefied hydrogen transport ship, named the Suiso Frontier. Suiso means hydrogen in Japanese.
"Shifting to and developing a hydrogen society is critical for achieving decarbonization," Kishida told reporters. The government will take "bold support measures" on investment for the early introduction of hydrogen and expansion of its use, he said.
The Suiso Frontier returned from Australia in February, carrying liquefied hydrogen manufactured from coal produced in the Oceanian country. The marine transportation of liquefied hydrogen using the ship is part of a test project joined by the public and private sectors of both Japan and Australia.
Kishida also visited the Bioproduction Engineering Lab of Kobe University. He received an explanation about biomanufacturing technologies related to the creation of plastic and fiber materials using carbon dioxide and genetically modified microorganisms.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット