2022.02.20 01:35Nation

ウクライナ侵攻なら「代償甚大」 ロシアに部隊撤収要求―独でG7緊急外相会合


2022.02.20 01:35Nation

G-7 to Make Russia Pay Huge Costs in Event of Invasion

Foreign ministers of the Group of Seven major powers Saturday agreed to make Russia pay tremendous costs, including by imposing sanctions, if its military invades Ukraine.
   The ministers shared grave concern over Russia's military buildup near Ukraine and urged Moscow to de-escalate the tensions including by withdrawing troops as announced recently.
   The emergency G-7 meeting was held in Munich, southern Germany, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, which started Friday.
   The G-7 ministers confirmed their support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and underscored their determination to pursue a peaceful diplomatic resolution of the Ukraine crisis.
   The officials also agreed to request Russia to accept dialogue on the issue.


