2022.02.01 19:07Nation

「同盟深化」へ協力 林外相、新駐日米大使と会談


2022.02.01 19:07Nation

Hayashi, Emanuel Agree to Work on Deepening Japan-US. Ties

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and new U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel confirmed Tuesday that they will work together to deepen the Japan-U.S. alliance, with moves by China, Russia and North Korea in mind.
   Emanuel paid a courtesy call on Hayashi at the Foreign Ministry for their first meeting since the ambassador's arrival in Japan.
   Hayashi voiced his hopes to build a relationship that would enable the two sides to engage in a frank discussion, in order to further strengthen the alliance.
   Emanuel said that the Japan-U.S. ties serve as a cornerstone for peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.
   The post of U.S. ambassador to Japan had remained vacant since Emanuel's predecessor, William Hagerty, left in July 2019.


