企業サービス価格、20年ぶり高水準 宿泊需要回復で1.1%上昇―昨年12月

Japan Services Producer Prices Hit 20-Year High
Services producer prices in Japan rose 1.1 pct from a year before in December 2021, up for 10th consecutive month, to mark the highest level in 20 years and five months, Bank of Japan data showed Wednesday.
The services producer price index, which measures costs for services provided to corporate customers, stood at 106.0 against 100 for the base year of 2015, climbing to a level unseen since July 2001, thanks to the resumption of economic activities and a recovery in demand for hotels.
Accommodation service prices were up 11.3 pct, posting the steepest rise since October 2015, with demand for holiday and business trips recovering nationwide as new coronavirus infections stayed low.
Meanwhile, ocean freight transportation prices surged 38.6 pct, reflecting a recovery in shipments of such products as oil, coal and iron ore in line with the resumption of economic activities.
Domestic air passenger transportation prices rose 6.4 pct, thanks to a recovery in year-end and New Year demand.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット