2021.03.18 12:39Nation

東京五輪、式典責任者が辞任 橋本組織委会長が謝罪


2021.03.18 12:39Nation

Tokyo Games Creative Chief to Resign over Derogatory Pitch

Hiroshi Sasaki, creative director for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, has offered to step down for pushing a proposal that is derogatory for a popular female entertainer.
   The move came after a weekly magazine reported Wednesday online that Sasaki, 66, made a suggestion on March 5 last year that insults the 33-year-old entertainer and plus-size fashion icon, Naomi Watanabe.
   The idea would be to have Watanabe dress up as an "Olympig" during the opening ceremony, according to the magazine and a letter of apology from Sasaki released by the Tokyo Games organizing committee.
   Sasaki retracted the idea in response to backlash from his staff members.
   In his letter, Sasaki said, "I can't apologize enough to Watanabe," and added that he has conveyed his intention to resign to Seiko Hashimoto, president of the organizing committee, over the phone.


