五輪、海外客の受け入れ断念 スポンサー枠は観戦検討―政府
Japan Not to Accept Foreign Spectators for Tokyo Games
The Japanese government plans to keep spectators from abroad away from this summer's Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, informed sources said Wednesday.
The government finds it necessary to shut out foreign spectators to hold the games safely at a time when concerns are growing over the spread of highly contagious coronavirus variants, the sources said.
A final decision is expected to be made by March 25, when the Olympic torch relay is scheduled to begin, after talks with organizations including the Tokyo Games organizing committee and the International Olympic Committee, the sources said.
A decision on spectators is up to the IOC, the International Paralympic Committee, the Tokyo metropolitan government and the games' organizing committee, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference.
At a meeting of the organizing committee, the IOC, the IPC, the metropolitan government and the Japanese government on March 3, Tamayo Marukawa, minister for the Tokyo Games, stressed the need to carefully consider whether to let in foreign spectators, citing uncertainty about the coronavirus including its variants.