政務官「発信強化に努める」 「竹島の日」で記念式典―島根県
Takeshima Day Event Joined by Japan Govt Rep for 9th Year
The Shimane prefectural government on Monday held an annual ceremony for Takeshima Day, designed to assert Japan's sovereignty over Sea of Japan islands controlled by South Korea, with a central government official attending the event for nine years in a row.
Yoshiaki Wada, parliamentary vice minister at the Cabinet Office, joined the ceremony, held in Matsue, the capital of the western Japan prefecture of Shimane, which faces the Sea of Japan.
Feb. 22 is designated as Takeshima Day under a Shimane prefectural government ordinance that was adopted in 2005. The islands of Takeshima, called Dokdo in South Korea, are under Seoul's effective control and have been claimed by Japan.
Monday's ceremony, the 16th of its kind, was joined by some 220 people, including Japanese lawmakers, Shimane assembly members and residents of the prefecture. The number of participants was almost halved from the levels in usual years to reduce the risk of novel coronavirus infection.
The central government is promoting its position on Takeshima by revamping its website on the country's territorial claims and holding a related exhibition around Japan.