2020.12.10 20:00Nation

旭川に外出自粛要請 札幌は延長、25日まで―北海道

 鈴木直道知事は会議で「心苦しい決定だが、何としても感染拡大の抑制を図る」と強調した。この後の記者会見で、旭川市への「Go To トラベル」適用に関し、市中感染の広がりが確認されていないとして、「一時停止などの措置は現在考えていない」と述べた。

2020.12.10 20:00Nation

Hokkaido to Ask Asahikawa Citizens to Avoid Nonurgent Outings

The Hokkaido government decided on Thursday to request residents of the city of Asahikawa in the northernmost Japan prefecture to refrain from nonurgent outings from Saturday to Dec. 25.
   At a meeting of its headquarters for novel coronavirus response, the prefectural government also decided to extend, also for the 14 days from Saturday, its requests for people in the Hokkaido capital of Sapporo to avoid going out for nonurgent reasons and for eating and drinking establishments with hospitality services in the city to temporarily close or shorten business hours. The requests are intended to initially cover the period until Friday.
   The Sapporo municipal government will pay 300,000 yen to 600,000 yen each to eating and drinking establishments that follow the requests.
   "It's a difficult decision, but we'll do all we can to contain the spread of infections," Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki said at the meeting.
   At a press conference later on Thursday, the governor said that he does not intend to take measures, such as temporarily removing Asahikawa from the central government's Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign, saying that the virus has not been confirmed to have spread generally in the city.


