2020.12.09 19:28Nation

尾身氏、コロナ急増ならGoTo中止を 政府は継続方針変えず

 菅政権が推進する観光支援策「Go To トラベル」をめぐり、政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会の尾身茂会長は9日、感染急増などを示す「ステージ3」相当地域では事業を中止すべきだとの考えを示した。これに対し、官房長官は記者会見で「現時点においてステージ3に該当すると判断された都道府県はない」と述べ、事業を継続する方針を強調した。

2020.12.09 19:28Nation

Expert Calls for Halting Go To Travel in Hard-Hit Areas

The Japanese government should halt its Go To Travel tourism support program in areas where coronavirus infections are surging, leading public health expert Shigeru Omi said Wednesday.
   Go To Travel should be stopped in areas that have entered Stage 3, the second-worst level on the four-tier scale gauging the degree of the spread of the virus, Omi said at a parliamentary committee.
   "I've repeatedly suggested that it's best to stop the program in the current infection situation," said Omi, chairman of the government's coronavirus panel of experts.
   "If we bring the situation to Stage 2 and then control infections, I suppose we could gain the understanding of the public (for the program)," he said.
   He said that Self-Defense Forces personnel are being sent to areas where medical functions are close to collapse.


