2020.12.03 17:27Nation

11月景況感、感染再拡大で鈍化 北海道は半年ぶり悪化―帝国データ

 政府の観光支援策「Go To トラベル」をめぐっては、感染再拡大を受けて札幌市や大阪市を目的地とする旅行の一時適用除外などが決まった。帝国データは先行きについて「経済活動が抑制される可能性があるほか、冬季賞与の減額や雇用環境の悪化で消費者の節約志向が高まることも懸念材料」と指摘した。(2020/12/03-17:27)

2020.12.03 17:27Nation

Japan Biz Sentiment Recovery Slows in Nov.: Teikoku Databank

Business sentiment in Japan improved for the sixth straight month in November, but the pace of recovery slowed down, Teikoku Databank Ltd. said Thursday.
   The private credit research firm's business sentiment diffusion index for November rose 1.6 points from October to 35.4, after scaling 2.2 points in the previous month.
   Sentiment recovery started slowing down after the three-day weekend from Nov. 21 due to the nationwide resurgence of the novel coronavirus and resulting moves to curb economic and social activities in some regions, it said.
   Among such moves was a temporary exclusion of the cities of Osaka and Sapporo from destinations covered by the Go To Travel campaign to support the coronavirus-battered tourism industry.
   Of 10 regions in the country, Hokkaido saw its DI deteriorate for the first time in six months, while all others enjoyed better index readings.


