Japan Swine Fever Vaccinations to Be Given in 10 Prefectures
A Japanese agriculture ministry panel Thursday proposed allowing preventive vaccinations against swine fever to be given to pigs at farms in prefectures with confirmed cases.
The proposal to revise the state's disease prevention guidelines was presented by the animal hygiene subcommittee of the Council of Food, Agriculture and Rural Area Policies, which advises the agriculture minister.
After the revision, vaccinations are seen starting as early as this month in 10 prefectures where pigs at farms and wild boars have tested positive for swine fever.
Under the amended guidelines, areas with high risk of swine fever transmission from wild boars to pigs will be designated as places where vaccinations are recommended. Whether to vaccinate will be decided by the governors of designated prefectures.
The designated prefectures would conduct vaccinations after gaining ministry approval of vaccination plans, including where and when the vaccinations would be given and how much vaccine would be used.
