2020.07.31 09:51Nation

60歳以上、37%が就労 「心配ない」4分の3―高齢社会白書


2020.07.31 09:51Nation

37 Pct of Elderly in Japan Have Paying Jobs: Govt Survey

A Japanese government survey showed Friday that 37.3 pct of people aged 60 or over have paying jobs.
   The figure was up 4.4 percentage points from the previous 2016 survey, according to the 2020 white paper on aging society, which was adopted at a cabinet meeting on the day. In the survey, 74.1 pct of respondents said they are living without worries.
   Commenting on the results, a Cabinet Office official said, "The number of elderly people living fulfilling, stable lives has increased."
   As the survey was conducted in January, before the novel coronavirus began to spread in Japan, however, the official said that elderly people are "now believed to be worrying about various things in their lives."
   The survey was carried out for 3,000 people, with valid responses coming from 58.5 pct.


