2020.07.29 22:51Nation

在留外国人の再入国、8月5日に緩和 外務省


2020.07.29 22:51Nation

Japan to Ease Re-Entry Rules on Foreign Residents on Aug. 5

The Japanese government will allow foreign business people and students with residency status in Japan to re-enter the country under certain conditions, starting on Aug. 5, the Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.
   Currently, foreign residents of Japan are not allowed to re-enter in principle once they travel to countries subject to Tokyo's coronavirus travel ban. But re-entry will be allowed for those who leave Japan with re-entry permissions.
   The conditions include testing negative for the coronavirus through a polymerase chain reaction test conducted within 72 hours of leaving for Japan.
   Such foreign residents will be required to undergo another PCR test upon arrival and self-quarantine for two weeks.


