2020.05.07 11:43World eye

【こぼれ話】息子の名前は「X AE Aー12」 マスク氏発表に困惑の声

【ロサンゼルスAFP=時事】米電気自動車(EV)大手テスラのイーロン・マスク最高経営責任者(CEO、48)が、交際相手でミュージシャンのグライムスさん(32)との間に生まれた息子を「X AE Aー12」(AEはAとEの合字)と名付けたと発表したことを受け、困惑の声が上がっている。グライムスさんはその後、名前の由来を明らかにしたが、その読み方は今も謎のままとなっている。(写真はテスラのイーロン・マスクCEO〈左〉と同氏の交際相手でミュージシャンのグライムスさん)
2020.05.07 11:43World eye

Welcome baby X ? A-12-- Musk and Grimes do it their way

Fans hoping for clarity and perhaps some pronunciation tips were left floundering Wednesday after Elon Musk's girlfriend, the musician Grimes, explained their newborn son's name -- X ? A-12.
Musk, the outspoken Tesla chief, announced the birth of the couple's first child earlier this week, before Grimes broke down the unusual moniker.
X, the unknown variable. ?, my elven spelling of Ai (love &/or Artificial intelligence). A-12 = precursor to SR-17 (our favorite aircraft), she wrote on Twitter.
A also stands for Archangel, my favorite song, she added.
Musk, the 48-year-old CEO of SpaceX, gently corrected Grimes on Twitter to say the plane was an SR-71 -- a Cold War spy aircraft.
I am recovering from surgery and barely alive so may my typos b forgiven, she joked in reply.
Registering the name in their home state of California may create some legal challenges as non-alphabetic characters are not allowed by law.
Musk, who has been dating Grimes since 2018, already had five sons, and has been divorced three times -- twice from the same woman.
Grimes, 32, whose real name is Claire Boucher, announced she was pregnant in January.
The couple made waves with their first public appearance together at the Met Gala in 2018, surprising both the music and business worlds. Grimes wore a choker shaped like the Tesla logo, demonstrating their relationship status.
Musk, known for his vaulting ambition and brash demeanor, made news last week in a Twitter message saying Tesla's stock was overvalued, sending shares of the electric carmaker tumbling.


