2024.07.17 20:33Nation

ミサイル攻撃翌朝も練習 伝統守るため「舞台で闘う」―ウクライナ国立バレエの寺田芸術監督


2024.07.17 20:33Nation

Ukraine Ballet's Artistic Director Terada Vows to "Fight on Stage"

Amid continuing Russian aggression, Nobuhiro Terada, artistic director of the National Ballet of Ukraine, told Jiji Press of his determination to "fight on stage" to protect Ukraine's ballet tradition.
   Terada, 48, born in the western Japan city of Kyoto, came to Ukraine at the age of 11 in 1987 to study at the Kyiv State Choreographic School. After performing as a dancer at the National Ballet of Ukraine, he served as artistic director of the Kyiv ballet school for about 10 years from 2012, and assumed his current position in December 2022.
   Behind his decision to undertake the position was an incident in which children's performance of a folk dance at the opera house in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv was interrupted by an air raid warning for a Russian attack.
   "When the performance resumed, the children's eyes were shining," said Terada. "I saw children as young as 7 or 8 defending their country's culture and tradition even as an air raid warning was sounding, and I felt that I should not be afraid."
   The number of the ballet troupe's members temporarily dropped to about 80 as the fighting intensified, but has since rebounded to 110. Its principal dancer, Nataliia Matsak, said troupe members have a responsibility to continue the ballet and pass it on to the next generation.


